Wonderhill Jojogan

Selfie and hiking are the best choise things to do when you were inWonderhillJojogan.

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TWA Cagar Alam

Green Canyon The best way to access the Green Canyon is with a guide or by rent a motorbike. At the Boat Station are many boats who drive to the Green Canyon. After 20 Minutes boat drive over a nice r

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Goa Kolor Green Canyon

Green Canyon The best way to access the Green Canyon is with a guide or by rent a motorbike. At the Boat Station are many boats who drive to the Green Canyon. After 20 Minutes boat drive over a nice r

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Ciwayang Rafting

Body rafting and Snorkeling are the best choise things to do when you were inCiwayang.

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Curug Taringgul (Green Jorge)

Body rafting and Snorkeling are the best choise things to do when you were inCurugTaringgul.

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Sinjang Lawang

Body rafting and Snorkeling are the best choise things to do when you were in SinjangLawang.

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Pantai ini menyajikan panorama alam yang spesifik dengan pulau-pulau kecilnya berpadu dengan hijaunya datan masawah, dan dihiasi pula oleh batu-batu karang yang unik , dengan pantainya yang landai.

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Goa Lanang Selasari

Goa Lanang berada di sekitar pantai pangandaran Kabupaten Ciamis dan disebut goa lanang karena didalamnya terdapat bantuan endapan yang berbentuk seperti kemaluan laki-laki. Menurut cerita gua ini dul

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Objek wisata Pangancraan merupakan objek wisata rafting yang baru di resmikan pada akhir Desember 2014 kemarin, menyuguhkan pengalaman river tubbing dan body rafting yang asri dan menantang. Terletak

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