Kampung Sindang Barang

Kampung Sindang Barang

Kampung Sidang Barang is a traditional village located in Pasir Eurih Village, Tamansari Bogor District, West Java.  Kampung Sindang Barang is the oldest traditional village in West Java based on the story in Babat Pajajaran and also written in the Bogor pantun, in this village tourists can participate in learning various kinds of Sundanese arts including a set of gamelan. Even at that location there are also several Sundanese traditional learning programs such as Sono Ka Lembur, which is an introduction to history. Next is Sa Wengi in Sindang Barang, which is an activity to stay on location to experience being a Sundanese for a few days. Furthermore, here there are also Sundanese historical arts that can also be studied such as Cimande and Jaipongan silat.

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