How to Book at IzyStay ?

A. How to Book Hotels

  1. Search Hotels
  2. First, type your name destination place or hotel name, then select date check in-check out and fill number of rooms. (Click Book Now)

    Then we will bring you to the search results page and show list hotels (if you previously filled the place). Click Name hotel and we will bring you to the hotel details page.

    Or we will bring you to the hotel details page and show Hotels Room and Rates. (if you previously filled the specific hotel name)

  3. Book Hotels
  4. On hotel details page, select room type and number of rooms you want to book.

  5. Fill in your contact information.
  6. Make sure all details are correct. You can add travel insurance to your hotel booking as well.

  7. Complete Your Payment.
  8. Select your preferred payment method. Make sure to pay within the specified time limit.

  9. Receive your Hotel Voucher.
  10. Within 24 hours after your payment is confirmed, we will send your hotel voucher to your email.

B. How to Book Meetings

  1. Search Meeting Package
  2. First, type your name destination place or hotel name, then select date check in-check out, select meeting package, select layout, fill number of pax. (Click Book Now)

    Then we will bring you to the search results page and show list hotels meeting package (if you previously filled the place). Click Book Now and we will bring you to Checkout Procedure.

    Or we will bring you to the Hotel Meeting Package Details Page and show Hotels Meeting Packages and Rates (if you previously filled the specific hotel name). Click Book Now and we will bring you to Checkout Procedure.

  3. Checkout Procedure
  4. On Checkout Procedure Page, you have follow 1-4 instruction (if you choose Package Meeting Room Only, Halfday, Oneday, and Fullday). And 1-5 instructions for Fullday Package

    1. (Guest Information Step) You have fill formulir of information about you like name, email, number phone, address, etc.

    2. (Rooming) If you previously choose Fullboard Meeting Package, you will be on Rooming Step but not for other Package Meeting. And then we bring you to Review Step.

    3. (Review Order and Guest Information)

    4. Complete Your Payment. We have two payment methode:
    1. Travelers/Regular/Personal Payment,
    2. Credit Facility.

    For Travelers/Regular/Personal Payment. Select your preferred payment method. Make sure to pay within the specified time limit.

    For Credit Facility. Fill Coorporate field with Coorporate code. (if you don't have Coorporate code, you can request with clik link under this field.)

  5. Receive your Hotel Voucher.
  6. Within 24 hours after your payment is confirmed, we will send your hotel voucher to your email.


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